Sunday, July 11, 2010


So, I have not forgotten about the photography sessions I've promised to those for you interested. I figure that Saturday would be a great day to do pics as it's a free day. I would like to plan them for late afternoon/ early evening. Maybe before our cookout. I figure that about an hour or so would be enough time to take pics of everybody. If anyone would rather do pics first thing that morning, that would work too! :)

Just wanted to give you an update on that for you planners out there! Well, that and I needed an excuse to update the BLOG!!!


Sunday, July 4, 2010


I've posted the food assignments for the weekend. We kick things off with a spaghetti dinner Thursday night @ about 7pm. WE are hoping everyone can make it there by this time. Can everyone please leave a comment below or on FB to let me know if you and your family will be at this dinner. It would help us plan better. If you can't make it will will try to have a special treat for you when you get in!

Also, could you let us know when you expect to arrive in town. That would be AWESOME too!
